Summit Themes

Can you bring ingenuity and excitement to one of the Summit themes?

Classroom Practice and Pedagogical Innovation:

Examples and analysis of what works and why, particularly in primary classrooms and developing country contexts.

Teacher Professional Development:

Strategies for empowering teachers as leaders of learning in the classroom and beyond.

Global Education Development:

Sharing opportunities and lessons from international contexts on meeting the challenges of SDG4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Development Education:

Understanding the SDGs through a Cambodian lens – achieving SDG4 through international partnerships (SDG17)

Educational Leadership:

Fostering effective, inspirational school leadership and building empathetic, aspirational school culture.

Or is your strength in one of our Sub-themes?

in schools

Education assessment and evaluation

Teacher Professional Identity

Education policy for teacher training and professional development

Collaborative and inclusive learning spaces

The voice of
the child 

Gender-responsive practices

What will you prefer to do?

  • Deliver a practice-based presentation: introducing an innovative teaching technique, resource, or strategy that has proven effective.
  • Present action research findings: sharing the results of studies or ongoing research in an accessible, practitioner-friendly format.
  • Inspire with a Pecha Kucha session: a short, vibrant presentation (20 slides, 20 seconds each) to trigger new ideas and energy.
  • Lead an interactive workshop or seminar: an engaging session to prompt discussion, spark creativity, and spur action.
  • Host a roundtable discussion: in a collaborative format to explore challenges and co-develop solutions.