About the Summit

The new EPIC (Enhancing Pedagogy in Cambodia) Alliance has evolved out of a recognition among Cambodian and international education and development professionals of the unique circumstances of the Cambodian education sector and the need and opportunity for relevant, evidence-based research to guide policy-makers and practitioners. This has found particular resonance in Ireland where there is now extensive long-term engagement.

The 2025 EPIC Summit will be the Alliance’s landmark Cambodian-led international event, and is designed to achieve the following:

  • From a foundation established by Irish and Cambodian participants it will bring together international educational researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to share insights, ideas and innovations that enhance education globally, with a special focus on Cambodia’s unique context.
  • It will establish and shape the long-term EPIC Alliance as an international platform for ongoing collaboration on enhancing education in a development context.
  • It will cement mutually-rewarding international relationships among educators, extending the reach and amplifying the impact of effective approaches to improving educational outcomes.
  • It will provide participants, as foundational Alliance fellows, with challenging and career-enhancing opportunities to build and expand their professional practice or research horizons.

We invite you to be part of this unique event.

Are you:

  • An education sector professional engaged in policy, practice or research with a particular focus, insight or expertise in one of the listed themes?
  • Keen to be part of an extended collaboration among an international community of education professionals and eager to break new ground in educational innovation or action research in a development context?

What we’re looking for:

We encourage both individual and group submissions and are particularly keen to include short-form practice sharing sessions led by practitioners and researchers. Proposals from Cambodian educators are warmly welcomed — translation support will be provided during the event to ensure inclusive and meaningful dialogue.

We are eager to receive diverse and engaging proposals, reflecting the many and varied ways education can be transformed.

Support for Participants

Understanding the diverse backgrounds of our participants, we are committed to making this event inclusive:

  • Language Support: Translation services will be available throughout the event for Khmer and other non-English-speaking participants.
  • Interactive Formats: All sessions will be designed to promote participation, including workshops, panels, and lively Pecha Kucha sessions.
  • Support for international visitors: A parallel programme of field visits to schools and local sites of interest including the Temples of Angkor Wat is being arranged.

NOTE: If you are interested in participating in the Summit but do not wish to lead a session, you are most welcome to attend. Please just tick the relevant box on the Registration Form.

Key Dates For Registration

Early Bird Registration:

28 February 2025

Last day to Register:

31 May 2025

What to Include in Your Proposal

To help you craft your proposal, please include:

  1. A short abstract (around 500 words) summarizing your topic, its relevance, and what participants will take away.
  2. The preferred format of your session (e.g., workshop, presentation, discussion).
  3. Any specific needs, such as translation or technical support.

Proposals should emphasize engagement and dialogue over monologues. Consider what questions you want participants to leave asking and how your session will create lasting connections.

Key Dates For Proposals

Deadline for Proposals:

17 March 2025

Notification of Acceptance:

28 March 2025

Final Submission of Materials:

28 May 2025